About Us
TLC TECHNOLOGY is the leading Vibratory Bowl Feeder Manufacturer | Parts Feeding Systems | ΥρΆ―ΕΜ | Bowl Feeder Maker in Malaysia.

Our fabricator in experience of more than 8 years and fabricate by experts with precision quality to achieve the best design to meet the customer requirement and target with competitive price. 
We also improve for the existing feeder system to meet the demand of the future.

Our main office is located in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan (NS), Malaysia.

TLC TECHNOLOGY also specialize and fabrication in Cap Bowl Feeder, Capacitor Bowl Feeder, Coil Bowl Feeder, Food Hopper Feeder, Medical Bowl Feeder, Pin Bowl Feeder, Screw Bowl Feeder, Sheet Bowl Feeder, Spring Bowl Feeder, Switch Bowl Feeder , Transistor Bowl Feeder and etc.


Vibratory Bowl Feeders are used to feed individual component parts for assembly on industrial production
lines. They are used when a randomly sorted bulk package of small components must be fed into 
another machine one-by-one, oriented in a particular direction.



TLC Technology understands the processes of product development and technologies that you need to create exceptional products. We leverage our experience and investment in equipment and skilled workers to support your projects from design through implementation. Our team will serve you with the resources and capabilities and provide solutions to meet your requirements from product distribution, processing machining, fabrication, and manufacturing at any stage of completion.

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